include "keyring.m"
keyring:= load Keyring Keyring->PATH;
IPint: adt
iptob64: fn(i: self ref IPint): string;
b64toip: fn(str: string) : ref IPint;
iptobytes: fn(i: self ref IPint): array of byte;
bytestoip: fn(buf: array of byte): ref IPint;
iptobebytes: fn(i: self ref IPint): array of byte;
bebytestoip: fn(buf: array of byte): ref IPint;
inttoip: fn(i: int): ref IPint;
iptoint: fn(i: self ref IPint): int;
iptostr: fn(i: self ref IPint, base: int): string;
strtoip: fn(str: string, base: int): ref IPint;
random: fn(minbits, maxbits: int): ref IPint;
copy: fn(i: self ref IPint): ref IPint;
bits: fn(i: self ref IPint): int;
expmod: fn(base: self ref IPint, exp, mod: ref IPint):ref IPint;
add: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint;
sub: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint;
neg: fn(i: self ref IPint): ref IPint;
mul: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint;
div: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): (ref IPint, ref IPint);
eq: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): int;
cmp: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): int;
shl: fn(i: self ref IPint, n: int): ref IPint;
shr: fn(i: self ref IPint, n: int): ref IPint;
and: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint;
ori: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint;
not: fn(i: self ref IPint): ref IPint;
xor: fn(i1: self ref IPint, i2: ref IPint): ref IPint;